

Where you can find our recent work, inspiration and all things weddings.

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For the Art Lova <3


I would like to dedicate this blog entry to One Mister Chris Collins.



oops, wrong picture.


There we go.

As major art enthusiasts like our pal Chris know, Buffalo is a vibrant community full of talented creative types who make a living enriching our lives with beautiful artwork. Without our artists, what would our city be? As a community we need to embrace and support our cultural endeavors because they inspire us and improve our quality of life. If we don’t value our artists, we run the risk of sending them elsewhere, and I’m afraid we won’t feel the pain of that wound until it’s too late. [gently steps off soapbox]

In short: this holiday season is the PERFECT time to seek out and purchase some local artwork. Send your dollars to your neighbors, and hang some buffalove above that mantel. We have the good fortune to live in a region that hosts not only world-class art galleries, but also a network of small independent art spaces. And did you know that anatomy is one of those spaces? You’ll find that we’re selling a lot more than clothing here at anatomy, and that’s all part of the joy of shopping here.

We’re currently featuring paintings by Matt Crane and photography by Katie Schneider. Matt’s bright floral paintings are a proven cure for those interminable pangs of winter depression.*

* Results of a non-scientific poll amongst friends


Katie’s stunning black and white prints of Buffalo are an inspiration. Her portraits seem to grasp those tiny moments when you’re just in awe of the city—the sun setting over the lake, the juxtaposition of the wind turbines in an abandoned industrial field—those moments when you recognize how unique this place really is.


No bah humbugs here,


xo, ali

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